[OBS]Whipsnade, Beds, Sat 24 Mar 2007
"Philip Eden" philipATweatherHYPHENukDOTcom wrote :
"Philip Eden" philipATweatherHYPHENukDOTcom wrote :
"Philip Eden" philipATweatherHYPHENukDOTcom wrote :
0850z N F4-5 1200m BR 7St002 8St004 04.1/03.7 1021.5
RMK: Thick fog formed soon after midnight last night ... dunno
when it lifted. Vis was ~2000m at 08z.
1150z NNE F5 6km HZ 6St006 8Sc015 05.4/03.2 1020.6
RMK: A penetrating wind. The grey is a couple of shades
lighter than three hours ago, but it's still definitely grey.
1620z NNE F5-6 700m -DZ FG 8St001 04.5/04.0 1018.5
RMK: Drizzle started 1230z with associated deterioration
in vis. Road across Dunstable Downs, only 50-100ft
higher than here, was in thick fog just now. Raw.
1850z N F4-5 1200m DZ BR 8St002 05.3/05.1 1018.7
RMK: Vis deteriorated to 200m 1700-1730 before
improving again. Drizzle mod at times. Temp dipped
to 3.8°C since last ob before recovering.
09-18: Tx 5.6 RR 0.5 (est from TSR) sss nil
Philip Eden
Whipsnade 214m