[OBS]Whipsnade, Beds, Mon 26 Mar 2007
"Philip Eden" philipATweatherHYPHENukDOTcom wrote :
"Philip Eden" philipATweatherHYPHENukDOTcom wrote:
"Philip Eden" philipATweatherHYPHENukDOTcom wrote:
0850z ENE F3 200m FG OBSC 04.8/04.0 1021.2
RMK: Fog hadn't formed by 01z. Vis varying betw
100m and 300m in last hour. Sun visible brightly,
but no cloud nor blue sky visible. The air was quite
pungent last evening, less so now.
1150z ENE F3 6km HZ 2Cu016 11.4/07.3 1020.3
RMK: Fog cleared quickly between 0915 and 0930z
then a largely clear sky with just a few scraps of St fra
evolving into Cu fra. Now mostly Cu fra, but with
Cu hum/med to the NW. Hazy and rather odorous
1450z E F3 15km 1Cu032 13.8/05.5 1019.1
RMK: Cu hum. I would still describe it as slightly
1750z ESE F3 25km SKC 10.9/05.2 1019.1
09-18: Tx 14.2 RR nil sss(00-18) 9.5
Philip Eden
Whipsnade, 214m