30 March 2007
Wokingham 0900z 030 08/13kt 2500m HZ 2St008 5Ac100
+7.7/+5.2 QFF 1012.0 +1.1 in 3hr
RMK Once again, thick haze. St coming and going, up to
8 oktas again just after the ob. Rain overnight around 04z,
just over 0.5 mm on TSR.
09-09 Max 9.9 Min 3.0 Grass min -1.7
Rain 1.4 Sun (00-24) 0.5
Wokingham 1500z 030 07/14kt 1500m -RADZ BR 7St006 8St008
+7.5/+6.4 QFF 1013.6 +0.6 in 3hr
RMK Rain on and off since 1030z. Conditions very poor at the
moment, but the visibility does not seem to be deteorating now .
Bernard Burton
Wokingham, Berkshire, UK.
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