U.S. Record Temperatures, 26 March 2007
On Sat, 31 Mar 2007 10:40:02 -0600, kT wrote:
Bob Brown wrote:
Someone said "where I live the ice was a mile thick 20K years ago"
I have to assume he meant some city in a well populated area, not some
area unpopulated like an ice shelf.
Are you claiming that the Laurentide ice sheet wasn't a mile thick in
many places? Sorry to burst your bubble, but it was. Your criterion for
populated cities is meaningless. Back then, the entire area was, except
perhaps for the occasional straggler, devoid of humans.
On Tue, 27 Mar 2007 16:56:14 -0500, Joe Fischer
I am sure that 20,000 years a ago, where I am,
the temperature was 50 degrees colder, because
ice was a mile thick here, so I am sure it is warmer
now, but I have not seen any evidence that there
is an "upward trend".
Notice where he says "where I am", indicating he is talking about a
well populated city "TODAY". I am asking does it make any sense that
ice was a "mile thick" in the area 20K years ago?
I am asking about the AREA he mentioned, not greenland.
Please, I am not asking a difficult or trick question.