On 4 Apr, 13:19, Trevor Harley wrote:
Another sunny day down in the far SW, but with great visibility for a
Graham, Penzance
It is also pretty wow a little way from you, in Dundee.
Another glorious day. The butterflies are flying, the bumblebees
bumbling, the flies flying, the partridges running, and the pheasants -
well, they're just being as stupid as usual. It is also 18.0C at the
moment (still going up), making it the first day this year over 60F/15C
(whichever you find more interesting; personally, I prefer 60F, but
then I'm old) - a few days earlier than my average of 8 April. It has
also already reached my top ten warmest April days ever (where "ever"
is defined as after 1996).
I've just been looking at your extreme weather pages. Some interesting
stuff, must have taken a while to put together.
I thought you might be interested in
Certainly the easily the biggest weather event of the century (so
far!) in this part of the world.