BBC news touchy feely tosh melts my icy heart-not
AGW threatens the Inuit people (innit) of the melting Arctic. Fergal Keane
using his best BBC -ever so concerned thrash me with the nearest soggy
birch-leaf voice- gave a dramatic report from the... err...frozen wastes of
north east Canada-well they were frozen. The lead into this 'special
report' was laced almost toxically with the theme of melting ice caps, wild
life threatened, culture at risk etc etc.
Well poor old Fergal (he's Irish you know , very oppressed by the wicked
English) struggled to find evidence of runaway GW in fact it was cold very
cold with plenty of snow, so much in fact the ice was too thick to cut
fishing holes, oh well try a new tact. So then poor old Fergal pondered how
life could change when GW finally kicked in.
I know this one, I thought, their ice holes they use to fish would be easier
to cut ? In fact with more open water fishing would be a lot easier. No, no,
no, it would seem I'm wrong, the more freezing hostile the environment
seemingly the better it is for the Inuit.
Fergal Sharkey then went on to show that a good story is hard to find, so
he resorted to the old BBC lefty middle-class angst ridden chestnut-loss of
cultural identity. He then he rattled on about how Inuit's had resorted to
alcohol self abuse as a response to AGW (boo hiss) It then occurred to me
that not only has this process been going on for over a hundred years way
before GW hit the road, it also has nothing to do with AGW (boo hiss) but
more to do with the awfully depressing life style that you get from living
in such a harsh isolated environment unlike Malaga where people see alcohol
abuse as having a good time.
Better luck next time BBC.