Davis AWS question
Does this ring any bells with readers - does anyone have a solution? It is posted
on behalf of a friend.
My AWS has been giving me much trouble since on Feb 6th this year it malfunctioned.
On that date it sent a message saying that it could not retrieve a certain record.
After that it ceased downloading records.
It is a Davis machine and is connected to a wind vane, a temperature and a pressure
sensor and a humidity sensor. I have had it since the middle 1990's and it has
never given me trouble before.
I then asked around and was told that the Davis is a very sturdy programme so it
must be the fault of the pc. I had that overhauled and although it worked for some
time, after a couple of weeks I got the same error message and again it stopped
downloading data.
I have just sent the data logger to Davis to have it looked at, even though it is new.
I have written about the problems to Davis in Southampton who are the agents in this
country, but have had no joy from them. I am very disappointed and really wondering
what I can do.
Have you any suggestions?