On 14 Apr, 07:32, Norman Lynagh normanthis...@thisbitweather-
consultancy.com wrote:
The following site is quite interesting
Table 2 and Fig 2 suggest to me that time and money would be best spent
on finding ways of coping with the inevitable climate changes rather
than pussy-footing around trying (unsuccessfully?) to find ways of
reducing the growth in emissions by a few percent.
I think we need to do both, but I agree current policies advocated by
politicians to combat climate change are a bit depressing. Land is
taken out of agriculture use for 'carbon neutral' tree planting to
justify some polluting activity. So instead (certainly in our climate)
of having fast growing crops we have slow growing or dead trees.
Meanwhile in the fast growing tropical forests deforestation
continues. The west attempts to meet carbon targets by exporting
'dirty' industries to the third world.
The only way to really cut carbon emissions is a dramatic cut in
consumption, and as the world economy seems to be built on a high
production/consumption model, that's very unlikely to happen.
But I suppose that
drawing up a plan for the evacuation of Central London within the next
50-100 years is not exactly a short-term vote winner :-)
That's a problem with democracies - dictators can take a longer term
Meanwhile, down in Penzance we've had the first 'proper' summer sea
mist this morning. Sun keeps poking through, looks like it's about to
break properly.