Tudor Hughes wrote:
On Apr 16, 3:12 pm, "Stuart" wrote:
What causes haze, and how is it predicted?
Any solid particles in suspension. This in effect means
either dust or smoke. Water vapour cannot cause haze because it is
Most of the web definitions include either 'moisture' or 'water vapour', while
the OED has 'a thin mist caused by fine particles of dust, water vapour, etc."
Princeton Uni suggests "(n) haze: atmospheric moisture or dust or smoke that
causes reduced visibility"
In the interest of balance, the BBC suggests "Haze: Impaired visibility as a
result of smoke or dust."
Telemet suggests "Many haze formations are caused by the presence of an
abundance of condensation nuclei which may grow in size, due to a variety of
causes, and become mist, fog, or cloud."
Perhaps 'moisture' would be an acceptable term, or 'condensing water vapour'.
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