Richard Dixon wrote:
(After) 333 Group - Special / Climatological Data
9SSss -- Supplementary information
90710 10=past hour (proceeds UK gust reports), Ireland does not report
910XX 10=gust in past 10 minutes. 91155=55 knots (UK when indicator is '4')
911XX 11=gust in past hour 91199 00125 = a gust of 125 knots.
912XX Highest mean wind speed in the time indicated by group 904XX.
e.g. 90410 = last hour's obs, 91234 = highest mean wind 34 knots or m/s.
(912XX not used for UK reports.)
000 Group - Identification and Location (Beginning)
iw -- Wind type indicator
0 m/s (estimated)
1 m/s (from anemometer)
3 knots (estimated)
4 * knots (from anemometer)
iu -- Wind type indicator
0 m/s (land stations abd ships with certified instruments)
1 knots (land stations and ships with certified instruments)
2 m/s (ships with uncertified instruments)
3 knots (ships with uncertified instruments)
This indicator "iu" is used only in the following codes:
FM63 - BATHY (Report of bathythermal observation)
FM64 - TESAC (Temperature, salinity and current report from a sea station).
Lille(52m) - France
AAXX 19094 (* the 4 indicates Knots from anemometer)
07015 22962 02404 10122 20042 30161 40218 56007
333 60007 90710 91110 93100
555 60005=
Keith (Southend)
e-mail: kreh at southendweather dot net