Monograph-Book: "Solving Global Warming and Building Earth's First
Planetary Air-Conditioner",
Archimedes Plutonium, Internet book published 2002-2007
(assimilated April 2007 in sci.physics,sci.environment,soc.history)
(1) Preface and Introduction
(2) Crutzen's plan to solve Global Warming versus AP's plan
(3) major human problems are MultiFactorial or MultiVariable, and not
(4) Global Warming and Human Overpopulation are linked problems that
have to be solved in tandem
(5) Is Global Warming a extinctor-problem? Can we extinct ourselves by
not solving Global Warming?
(6) Issue of Biodiversity as it relates to Global Warming and Human
(7) physics of Earth's first Air-Conditioner and future Air-
A couple of days ago I attended a lecture about the Missouri River and
how it has been controlled
with alot of dams, seven if my memory is correct. And the lecture
spoke of its advantages and
disadvantages. But there was one aspect that was not discussed and
which I raised a question
in the question and answer period. I asked : "I spent some of 1999
traveling in Greece and noticed
their dirty silt laden rivers sending topsoil to the Mediteranean Sea,
and that the dams of the
Missouri are beneficial in slowing down the erosion of topsoil, so how
long before these dams
become silted over?"
This is a question that links in with ethanol production by aggressive
corn farming. In other words,
can we see a future date in which most of the world's topsoil is in
the oceans. And what would
such a future behold on its residents? What if all the topsoil from
the continents were in the oceans?
What that raise a risk of human extinction? These questions lead into
the chapter of how problems
in biology are usually not linear but multifactorial.
There is a old Japanese saying that a "bee will sting a crying child's
face", meaning that our problems
are more complex than just one straight line solution.
I believe that human overpopulation is the prime cause of these other
secondary problems of global
warming and species extinction and habitat loss, and energy depletion,
and topsoil erosion. There existed
some time in our past history where there were none of those above
listed problems, to where they were a
problem. In the mid 1800s we did not have a global warming problem nor
species extinction and habitat loss,
nor energy depletion, nor topsoil vanishment. It was a past history
when human population over the entire
globe was only 1 billion humans. But as those 1 billion became 7.5
billion by 2007, we have huge problems
for which some can threaten the extinction of humanity itself.
So attacking any one of these problems, yet leaving human
overpopulation alone, solves little to nothing. If the
Earth can be cooled with Albedo Enhancement by ejecting Thistle seed
into the apogee of airplane flightpaths
and thus return the temperature to what it was in 1950 and thus
staving off Global Warming cannot work
with a human population that rises from 7.5 billion to that of 8 or 9
billion, simply because the Albedo of the
Sun will not permit agriculture to grow enough food for that 9
Archimedes Plutonium
whole entire Universe is just one big atom
where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies