Martin Rowley wrote:
"Keith (Southend)" wrote
Minimum for me last night was 14.1°c
... minimum he 12.9°C; we had the same figure in late April 2005, but
generally high night minima for this location (and exposure) would tend
to be ~10°C for April.
Up to the 25th April the figures look like this:
Max +4.0°c of 1970-2000 average.
Min +1.9°c
Mean +2.6°c
Rainfall 0.5%
... (no sunshine), but the other figures a-
Mean 24hr maximum:... +4.9 anomaly wrt eLTA 1971-2000
Mean 24hr minimum:... +1.7 anomaly wrt eLTA 1971-2000
Mean of 24hr max & min:... +3.3 anomaly wrt eLTA 1971-2000
Rainfall 1%
A truly remarkable month by any standard.
What I do find remarkable, was the two warmest days the my wind
direction was north!
Keith (Southend)
e-mail: kreh at southendweather dot net