Warmest April on record in Brussels
It is already clear that this will be the warmest April at Brussels
Uccle since records began there in 1833.
Average temp. so far is 13.0°C - 4 deg. C above the long-term
average of 9.0°C and even just above the long-term May average of
Average max. temp. so far is 19.1°C - 6 deg. C above the long-term
average of 13.1°C and well above the average May maximum of 17.2°C.
The Belgian Royal Meteorological Institute is forecasting max. temps
of from 26 to 29°C in Brussels for the rest of the month.
If this comes about, the average maximum for April will be pushed up
to around 20°C - SEVEN degrees above normal and similar to the
average maximum for a typical June !
Colin Youngs