Warmest April on record in Brussels
In uk.sci.weather on Wed, 25 Apr 2007, Colin Youngs
wrote :
It is already clear that this will be the warmest April at Brussels
Uccle since records began there in 1833.
Average temp. so far is 13.0°C - 4 deg. C above the long-term
average of 9.0°C and even just above the long-term May average of
Average max. temp. so far is 19.1°C - 6 deg. C above the long-term
average of 13.1°C and well above the average May maximum of 17.2°C.
The Belgian Royal Meteorological Institute is forecasting max. temps
of from 26 to 29°C in Brussels for the rest of the month.
If this comes about, the average maximum for April will be pushed up
to around 20°C - SEVEN degrees above normal and similar to the
average maximum for a typical June !
Yes, this month has been totally insane!
Where has our *usual* spring weather been going, anyway?
Paul Hyett, Cheltenham (change 'invalid83261' to 'blueyonder' to email me)