Guildford 26/04/07 20:43Z
Wind ENE 9.6kt
Temp 10.1°C
Dewpt 6.9°C
Baro 1021.1mb Rising Slowly
Rain 1.0mm
Gust 13.9kt at 16:52Z
Min 8.1°C at 0:16Z
Max 17.1°C at 11:20Z
LP 1017.6mb at 0:29Z
HP 1021.1mb at 20:29Z
First recordable rain today between 12 & 15z.
At Heathrow, it turned quite wet for a while with 2mm. Didnt think the
forecast today was particularly good - there had been some rain overnight,
but not enough to record and I wasnt expecting any more. This reversing
front seems to have been more active westwards ..