Warmest April on record in Brussels
"Boltar" wrote:
On 26 Apr, 16:49, "Keith (Southend)" wrote:
Just had a quick flick though some of my worldwide summaries and as a
rough guide the following areas show more than -1.0°c from the norm. A
very rough guide.
Spain, Crete, Ankara (Turkey) Egypt, Israel, Algeria,
So perhaps a kind of swap has happened in the weather over europe and
the med? The north has got warmer , the south colder. Does this happen
(Dunno where the chevrons have gone!)
Yes. It's a consequence of the sort of blocking pattern we've had
for most of the last six weeks.
Put as simply as I can, if a blocking high sits over the
British Isles there is likely to be advection of cold air (at times)
on the eastern flank of the high, and quite often a tongue of
cold air extends right down into the Mediterranean in the form
of a trough in the upper air pattern. Quite often, that trough disrupts,
leaving a "cut off low" there, trapping relatively cold air (and
extensive cloud and rain) for several days in the general area.
From Keith's summary, I think it's clear that, over Europe at
least, the colder-than-average zone is smaller and less intense
than the warmer-than-average zone. Over the whole globe
a similar equation pertains practically every month these days.