"Gianna" wrote in message
Erich Habich wrote:
The European Seismological Service reports a 5.0 Earthquake.
Why does Europe have its own monitoring service, when everyone looks at
Or more importantly perhaps, why does everyone look to America when we are
Europe, and have our own services.
However, I noted that lots of people called the fire brigade because their
chimneys had fallen down. Assuming that nobody had a fire burning at that
of the morning, and at this time of year, I wondered why they did not
their builder and their insurance company (in any order). By the time
managed to do so, the builders were probably all too busy with those who
The Met Office usually gets quite a few calls in these situations. I was on
the night shift during the 2002 quake and the EMARC bench
http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/publicsector/emarc/) had a number of enquiries
from the emergency services and the public, much to the initial puzzlement
of the duty staff.