Cold and gloomy in Sunderland...
"Boltar" wrote in message
I'm be quite happy to swap. Want to spend an hour on the tube every
weekday when its about 30C in the trains? Feel free. I'm sick of warm
weather with the cracked mud, brown grass and smog already.
I don't want to be greedy... just a little bit of the warm sunny stuff'll
do. It'd be nice just to go and sit in the garden without running the risk
of hypothermia.
Either I seriously need to think about re-locating or else turn to drink (a
box of dry white wine from Sainsbury's at £9.50 seems a more realistic
Latest weather report from Sunderland at 18.50 - STILL overcast, STILL
chilly, STILL gloomy (but the wine is chilling nicely in the fridge so
there's a promissing outlook!).
David Allan