Gianna wrote:
Erich Habich wrote:
The European Seismological Service reports a 5.0 Earthquake.
Why does Europe have its own monitoring service, when everyone looks
at USGS?
Or more importantly perhaps, why does everyone look to America when
we are in Europe, and have our own services.
However, I noted that lots of people called the fire brigade because
their chimneys had fallen down. Assuming that nobody had a fire
burning at that hour of the morning, and at this time of year, I
wondered why they did not phone their builder and their insurance
company (in any order). By the time they managed to do so, the
builders were probably all too busy with those who did.
Walking around today it was the fire service that was tasked with making
these chimneys safe. They had the "reach" to get to these largely victorian
chimneys (Folkestone seems to have a chimney style all of it's own. Often
top heavy or needing to be braced with wrought bars to keep them up in
normal conditions, let alone earthquakes!) and the transport and
organisation to make, what some has said, 500 damaged homes safe.
I have seen some stunning ladders and other equipment weilded by the fire
brigade today. Insurers were dealing with out and out emergencies only and I
don't think the local builders would have coped to be honest. To reach up 4
or 5 floors needs either a fire service ladder or a builders scaffold. If
you need to make these peoples homes safe for re-occupation then it's not
going to be feasable to scaffold them all is it?
Quite a day! First thought was truck in side of house, then low level Mach
1+ aircraft directly overhead, then I actually looked for the mushroom
cloud. So much energy released in those few seconds... I didn't think of
earthquake till last. Then realised the double bang was the gap (half a
second?) between S and P waves meant we had to be right over it near
Another thing to tick off the "Things to Experience" list. Hoping for
aftershocks... I am ready to take notice of it now. When it happens out of
the blue like that it's over so quick (this is going to sound strange) you
miss it...
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Les Hemmings a.a #2251 SA