Climatological day
On 2 May, 19:13, Paul Hyett wrote:
In on Wed, 2 May 2007, wrote :
Hi all,
I was just wondering if someone could help me out.
I'm looking to set up a weather station, but due to commitments would
only be able to take recordings at 10pm each evening. So if my 24 hour
climatological day ended at 10pm each evening, would this make my
observations any different/ less accurate/ less reliable than by using
the usual 6-6 climatological day?
I'd appreciate it if someone could let me know. I realise it could be
a very silly question.....
You could always get a weather station that logs temperature/RH/pressure
at set intervals (uploadable to PC) - that way you'd avoid the problem
with observation times.
I recently bought the LaCrosse WS3500 which I now use for this.
BTW, what part of the country are you in - maybe it's somewhere we lack
data from, currently?
Paul Hyett, Cheltenham (change 'invalid83261' to 'blueyonder' to email me)
Thanks for all your help guys.
I live in South West Cornwall, so I think you have a few people around
this area already reporting.
I just looked up the LaCross station you mentioned, it looks pretty
good. Are there any other stations in that kind of price bracket that
you would recommend? And does it log data for the day and the reset
the console ready for the next day?
Thanks for your help,