Rain sensor.. sods law
Keith (Southend) wrote:
cupra wrote:
After an extended period with no rain, sods law; reed sensor in
bucket dead at the beginning of a wetter spell!
Anyone know a suitable replacement for a LaCrosse WS2315? (Googled
and have something on the way from RS but would welcome a
If it's the same spec. as the Davis bucket then this will do....
I assume it's a tipping bucket gauge like my WMII, unless you have a
connection problem or break in the wire it may need it's reed switch
replacing. You can pick these up quite cheaply from RS Component's. I
have a couple of spares and the RS Part No. is 229-3670
I can report that the replacement was a success - at 61p and a few mm of
solder it's not been too bad a repair job!
Now all I have to do is move the sensor location, due to garden plans and
the good growing conditions this spring it's in danger of being in the
shadow of a growing bush!