In article ,
Alastair McDonald k
Well I posted a link to a scientific article which shows that scientists
have been too conservative in facing up to the dangers of global
Did you read it?
I've read it now. An interesting read.
Do you and, more to the point, does Philp Eden,
accept that the danger is not from a slow steady global warming
but from sudden climate change taking place over a timespan
of only five years?
Reading the article, there seems to be evidence that a change on that
timescale has happened in the past on at least one occasion. That does
not prove that we are going to see a dramatic change over that sort of
timespan this time. It's not impossible, but my gut feeling is that it's
unlikely. But I'm no expert (but nor does the author of that article
seem to be, as he appears to be a physicist rather than a
climatologist). If it's any consolation, I do believe that anthropogenic
global warming is occurring, and that it's certainly possible that its
future progress may be neither slow or steady.
John Hall
"I look upon it, that he who does not mind his belly,
will hardly mind anything else."
Dr Samuel Johnson (1709-84)