In message
"Alastair McDonald" k wrote:
"John Hall" wrote in message
In article ,
Alastair McDonald k
Philip supports the policies of Margaret Thatcher, has no
qualms about writing for that Tory rag The Daily Telegraph,
and sets up a UK weather newsgroup with the restriction that
global warming should not be discussed because it is
This is a distortion. First, Philip didn't set up the group, but merely
proposed it. Second, and more importantly, there is nothing in the
group's charter saying that global warming should not be discussed. All
the charter says something to the effect that discussions should be from
a scientific rather than from an environmental activist standpoint. So
if you post an article presenting scientific evidence for global
warming, there is no problem with it at all.
Well I posted a link to a scientific article which shows that scientists
have been too conservative in facing up to the dangers of global
Did you read it? Do you and, more to the point, does Philp Eden,
accept that the danger is not from a slow steady global warming
but from sudden climate change taking place over a timespan
of only five years?
Cheers, Alastair.
Yes los of things might possibly cause sudden climate change, thermonuclear
war, the sun going out, the earth beinghit by an asteriod, you name it.
But Philip is right, the global warming debate is political. We stand no
more chance of engineering or reversing climate change than King Canute did
of turning back the tide. Instead we should be looking at how climate change
can be managed, of how we can adapt to it, not of how we could try in vain to
prevent it. But of course we won't until it is too late. Such is the
arrogance of mankind.
But there are those who choose to use it (and the resultant scare stories)
as an excuse to promote their political beliefs, in the hope that by so doing
thaey can control the lives of others. They are beneath comtempt IMO.
But this newsgroup is not about that, and I apologise for using it to make a
political point. But I think it had to be said.
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