On 27 May, 08:43, "Jon O'Rourke" wrote:
"Graham Easterling" wrote in message
I know I shouldn't keep moaning about the MetO, but it's so hard to
resist when the forcasts for locations where they no longer get any
data for are such complete rubbish.
Graham, could I suggest you send your comments to the enquiries address here
Will do.
I did actually contact the MetO on this subject once before. At that
time (a few years back now) the predictions used on CEEFAX 406 were
based on a grid reference a few miles out to sea. Not surprisingly
the forecast max temperature was almost always within a degree of the
SST, useful if you were out fishing small boat. (I believe the
predictions for Guernsey suffered the same problem fo a while).
The response then was it was up to the BBC how they used the data,
they merely supplied it.