In article .com,
dated Sun, 27 May 2007, Tudor Hughes wrote
There is a Severe Weather Warning out for SE England (except
Sussex) for heavy rain. Also, on R4 1257 pm some gushing girlie
mentioned a couple of inches of rain (I think) for SE England this
afternoon and evening. So far I've had 5.2 mm today, none of it
heavy, and it has not been raining for the last two hours. Looking at
the radar I can't quite see where this professed deluge is coming
from. Can anybody else?
Tudor Hughes, Warlingham, NE Surrey, 556 ft.
It was quite heavy in Blackheath before lunch, heavy enough to soak an
underpruned hawthorn in full blossom and nearly collapse it...
Kate B
PS 'elvira' is spamtrapped - please reply to 'elviraspam' at cockaigne if you want
to reply personally