It started raining just after 05:00 GMT on the 27th May in Bristol From 07:40 to 16:00 it was contiuous. From 17:40
until 23:20 GMT (time of this e-mail) it got heavier. In that time we've had
39.8 mm. It is still raining.
Maximum temperature was 10.1. Maximum gust was 37 mph with a wind chill this
evening as low as 3.0C
Barry Horton
"Nick Gardner" wrote in message
Only reached a max of 11.1C today making it the coldest day here since the
3rd of April; brrrr!
Now raining heavily, wind NNE gusting to 40 mph creating havoc with the
veggies, hanging baskets etc.
23 mm of rain so far today and no sun!
Nick G
Otter Valley, Devon
83 m amsl