The 14.00hrs BST value here in Coulsdon is 5.4C in moderate rain and the
mercury is falling still. Could be interesting on the summit of SE England's
highest point Leith Hill at 294 metres. Probably down to 4C. Not bad for
late May- any colder and sleet might not be out of the question for the
I notice very heavy snow falling in part of the Alps and an area I monitor
at 1900 metres in the Valais has had 30cm to 40cm overnight and it is still
falling heavily.
Back home it was similar in late May 1984 with continuous rain and low
maxima around 9C but today is very chilly indeed with the cold air that has
been over Iceland for some days now brought down in the strong flow and
entrained within the circulation of the low.
Ian Currie-Coulsdon, Surrey at 130 metres.