Climate change - someone in denial...
On Tue, 29 May 2007 19:29:09 +0100, John Hall
any one country's
pollution can affect the whole world.
The only international pollution we need to worry about comes from a
global nuclear war. You want global warming - you will get it in
One microgram of Plutonium in the lung and you are guaranteed to die.
Plutonium has a half life of 25,000 years. Only the cockroach will
Once radioactive pollution mixes in with the constituents of the
ecosphere, it's all over. So I would recommend not worrying about a
few dolphins and start worrying about the madmen who have their finger
on the nuclear arsenals of the world - or are about to.
Maybe we will reach a new equilibrium in the affairs of mankind. The
criminals running govts don't do anything to help others unless they
are forced to. If all the nations of Earth acquire nuclear weapons,
then when they suffer a tragedy they can threaten death to everyone on
Earth. That's get some help quickly.
"Be very, very careful what you put into your head,
because you will never, ever get it out."
--Thomas Cardinal Wolsey