JCW wrote:
"Graham P Davis" wrote in message
MCC wrote:
The link got broken - try this one
I've the usual problem with that site - not allowed access.
Graham, you may have to accept the "security certificate" that the site
issues. Did you receive a warning about this not being a trusted site or
similar? Vista gives the option to proceed to the site even if it's not
recommended... That prevented me initially but now it's okay although,
like others, the colours are, well, terrible!
Yes thanks Joe, I did that but still got told to go away.
I got the following from GIMP (graphics plug-in) "A network error occured:
To connect to
www.fnmoc.navy.mil insecurely, use `--no-check-certificate'."
I've finally gotten success by copying the URL and entering it directly
into Firefox rather than launching from Knode newsreader.
I agree the colours are awful and, after all this time, it *still* has the
error of showing temperature anomalies where they can't exist, i.e., in the
Arctic Ocean. Flippin' stupid to have large negative SST anomalies where
there's huge deficits of ice. Hudson Bay looks to have negative anomalies
of as much as 4C - which probably equates to sea temperatures that much
lower than is physically possible.
I'll stick to
Graham P Davis
Bracknell, Berks., UK
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