"Nigel Paice" wrote in message
... or anyone with expertise on rainfall radar.
This evening it rained hard (and I mean, hard) in
Romsey. The total duration of the shower was
70 minutes (1850-2000Z) and dropped 8.2mm
of rain. The cloud responsible developed and
decayed overhead.
Looking at the rainfall radar picture from the Met
Office website, I was astonished to see nothing in
my area, not a single pixel. Jon, do you have
rainfall radar of finer resolution that might have
picked up this downpour? Would I be right in
thinking that very localised rain may not register,
no matter how intense the ppn?
Hi Nigel,
I didn't see the imagery at the time I'm afraid so can't say for certain but
I'd hazard a guess that the high resolution data from the Dean Hill radar,
and perhaps Chenies too, would have captured something. I had a look at the
visible imagery still available and I think the offending cloud/development
is discernable on the 18Z image