Dave Cornwell wrote:
"Darren Prescott" wrote in message
This was mentioned on TWO a couple of months ago and (unusually for the
BBC) it's little more than an anti EU rant.
No, you won't (easily) be able to buy a new mercury barometer, but you
will still be able to get old ones repaired.
It's a mountain out of a molehill really.
See Euromyths for more info:
Thank you for the link Darren. I get fed up with people saying "now the EU
have banned.... " this and that when they patently haven't. Then we end up
keeping the blatantly ridiculous pounds and ounces. Bring back pounds,
shilling and pence, I say!
Bring in the Euro, then I won't get constantly ripped off every time I
go into Eurozone by the Banks and the City!
Keith (Southend)
e-mail: kreh at southendweather dot net