"Bonos Ego" wrote in message
Many thanks to everyone that has contributed to this thread, which all
started because I was looking at at GFS chart for 27th June predicted
high temperatures for SE Europe of circa 42c / 43c.
Guess what, GFS has now knocked it back to a much more resonable
figure of 33c for the same region.
I would advise you not to even look at GFS predicted temperature
maxima/minima for the SE of Europe. I don't remember many days on which a
global model has predicted temperatures with accuracy; all surface forecast
values are overestimated in winter and underestimated in summer (GFS doesn't
see many mountains around here). The GFS 12z run, for instance, forecasts a
T850 exceeding 25C in parts of the Balkans and gives surface temperatures of
about 35C. That is simply too low.