On Jun 14, 8:59 pm, Colin Youngs
Brussels on Thursday 14th June
Early sunshine with some dense Ci and confused Ac. Ac increased mid-
morning and it was cloudy until just after midday. Cloud then
cleared somewhat with sunny spells again but Cu and then TCu and Cb
developed mid-afternoon.
After a period of increasing gloom it started to rain heavily around
16.00 local time. Torrential rain from 16.20 with a couple of
rumbles of thunder a few minutes later and a single flash of lightning
with thunder at 16.45.
Rain eased for a while but a very dark and spectacular shelf cloud led
into another spell of torrential rain from around 17.30 to 17.50 with
a couple of lightning flashes and claps of thunder. Rain continued
at lesser intensity unil 19.00.
Very warm in the sunshine - light and variable wind.
Brussels Uccle 25.9°C - overnight minimum 16.7°C - and 31 mm rain.
Brussels Airport 25.8°C - overnight minimum 14.8°C - and 14 mm.
Brussels Airport http://weather.noaa.gov/weather/current/EBBR.html
Rainfall radar http://www.buienradar.nl/h.aspx?jaar=-3&soort=loop24uur
OGIMET monthly summary for Brussels Uccle http://tinyurl.com/yqbvkp
Webcam Grand-Place http://www.ilotsacre.be/images/webcam/webcam.htm
"Jun 15 03:13"
In other words: The thunder spell has started.
This morning's forecast on the box says that a band of heavy rain will
bring flooding to saturated ground in the north of England all day
As far as I am concerned, these showers can continue all week as my
garden is bone dry despite the rain we had yesterday.
We should have had a similar spell with this: May 23 21:03. So it
isn't cut and dried, as it were.