17/06/2007 21:28:27
wrote in message
. com
Thanks for bringing this to my attention the wind rose gifs is
what I have been trying to workout for ages. Is there any chance of
you sharing the " (VLookup)" tables that you use as this is beyond
at the moment.
many thanks
Paul C
I've added a link down near the bottom of page -
from where you can download a small amount of my 2007 Davis VP2 data
as an Excel spreadsheet file. (VP_data.xls)
The VLookup array is at the top in cols AH & AL. Note the directions
are ordered alphabetically E, ENE, ESE, N, NE. etc. Cols AD & AE can
be replicated downwards as far as you require. In the formulae in
column AD you will see a $ sign. This is to keep the references to
the VLookup array 'absolute' (ie won't change as you replicate).
Email me if you need any further assistance.
Dave, Fair Isle