Global warming brings early spring to Arctic
"Peter Muehlbauer" wrote in message
"Roger Coppock" wrote
On Jun 19, 11:28 pm, "Peter Muehlbauer"
[ . . . ]
Seasons change by orbital change of earth, not by CO2 or GW.
Nope! The Earth's orbit remains largely the same as
the seasons go through their yearly cycle. It's the
inclination of the Earth's axis of rotation from the
plane of the Earth's orbit around the Sun which
causes the seasons to change. This inclination does
not change much in a single year, the rotational axis
nearly points to the same place as the seasons change.
(Over longer periods of time there is precession of
the axis, but that may be too complicated for you to
understand now.)
Yeah, and flowers coming out 30 days sooner is a very
scientific aspect.
"Hey Joe, there's a headline in the newspaper saying something
strange about CO2 and GW. What is this?"
"Don't know, Jack, but we should contribute something."
"What about our flowers here? They seem to come out
earlier than before twinkletwinkle."
"Yeah, good idea... nobody can proof this... let's make
a study twinkle about flowers in the aspect of GW twinkle
and let's sack some extra money twinkle for this."
As you can see, Roger, feeding anti-GW woowoos with facts is throwing
pearls before swine. Same with creationists, 9/11 k00ks, and moon hoaxers.