Devon chill
Only 16°C on the Exeter METARs and with the wind it felt more like March or
April down here today. OK it was only 14.3C up here but it didn't feel like March or April (even in the
force 4-5 wind) - no way.
Average day max. for March is 8C and April 11C.
Will (Haytor, Devon, 1017 feet asl)
I had one of my trips up to England yesterday, when I visited Paignton
Zoo. The environmentally friendly way, by train Penzance-Totnes.
(Incidentally the train journey time alone is 2hrs 30 minutes,
compared with the 2hrs from Paddington to the London commuter suburb
of Exeter.)
It felt pleasant enough, breezy certainly but the zoo was sheltered,
and with sunny spells & humid, dry conditions 17C or so felt warm.
Interesting journey weatherwise, as that 'wrap around' occlusion was
lying through east Cornwall all day. So mainly dry (though cloudy &
pretty windy) in Penzance, sunny spells in Paignton, but wet
inbetween. Some very heavy rain Liskeard - St Austell on the return
Back in Penzance Max was 18.3C (windblown St Mawgan 16.8C) so rather
cool but hardly March/April. Big sea in the Bay for the time of year,
splashing over the railway line on the approach to Penzance. When I
arrived back around 19:00 the wind had veered enough to give encourage
several surf canoists in just outside Penzance station.