Devon chill
Not very summery for those at Glastonbury then.
Always wondered why they don't hold the festival later in the year when the
weather is a bit more reliable.
I always remember learning at school that June was supposed to be the
most settled summer month and August had a bad reputation. These days
this does not seem to be the case so much - indeed June 20-July 10 or
so seems to be the worst period of the summer on average, with a
fairly reliable settling down (in the south and southeast at least)
after that with consistent warmth (rarely 20C max)
Nick- Hide quoted text -
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In Penzance Summer average Rainfall figures:-
June 64mm
July 59mm
Aug 75mm
June 66mm Rain Days 11
July 67mm Rain Days 14
Aug 93mm Rain Days 14.5
So rainfall wise nothing to choose beteen June & July in either
period, but August is significantly wetter.
For the last rain days June is the best bet, though I suspect this may
not be so in inland areas, as the cool sea tend to suprress convective
rainfall (of the summer months) most in June.