"Nick Gardner" wrote in message
After a brief scan of my old data it seems that today has been the coldest
June day I have ever recorded with a maximum of only 13.5C.
With continuously overcast skies, this is likely to have been the first
sunless day this month so far and 32 mm of rain has fallen in the last 24
hours. Now a wind has picked up gusting to over 35 mph adding to what has
been the most grottiest, mankiest and miserable June day I have ever known
(and I've known some bad 'uns!).
Currently at 18:25, 13.0C, RH 83%, DP 10.4C, 1001.9 mb (R), Wind 18.5 mph
sec mean.
Nick G
Similar here, Nick. It's been grim, felt more like March really, or July for
those in mountain retreats ;-)
Tomorrow's looking better if still quite cool
Jon. (East Devon)