Warmest, Coldest?
"Alan White" wrote in message
When I post a [WR] which contains a figure for a day temperature extreme
in a given period I describe that as the 'highest/lowest temperature
'for that period.
When I post a [WR] which contains a figure for a day temperature mean
extreme in a given period I describe that as the 'warmest/coldest day'
for that period.
Others, I notice, describe a day with a day temperature extreme in a
given period as the 'warmest/coldest day 'for that period.
In other words, the maximum day temperature, using my phraseology, may
not give rise to the warmest day even though it may be the highest
Alan, have you been drinking???
I might have to, in order for me to divulge that lot. Stick to the weather
Confused Tony, wet Newbury, Berkshire
44mm 1800-1800 total (24/25th) 14.8c Max Temp.
PS! I hope you're safe from all the flooding there