"Dave Cornwell" wrote...
| "Jon O'Rourke" wrote...
| "Dave Cornwell" wrote ...
| Having cancelled our cricket match on the strength of the Countryfile
| News 24 forecasts of up to 40-60 mm rain for S.E and East Anglia I see
| the
| Met Office have just downgraded our risk area from 70% to 20% at
| 13.34hrs.
| The skies are quite bright here after 2mm of earlier rain. Obviously
| ditched
| the expensive computer and looked out of the window.The accuracy of
| now forecasts are astounding.
| Dave, S.Essex
| Dave, I haven't seen the TV forecasts but notice you seem to be quoting
| the
| early warning which is valid from 2100Z this evening right through until
| 2300Z on Monday
| The nowcasting aspect tends to be more concerned with the short period
| flash warnings.
| ...
| Sorry to hear about your cricket match, but would you have played in the
| showery rain so far today ?
| Jon.
| ---------------------------
| Thanks Jon - I know it's difficult at the moment. It has just felt things
| have conspired against me! Been expecting heavy showers all week that have
| just missed me, often by just a mile or so, which is of course the nature
| showers. Fed up watering the garden every night! Today I do feel the
| forecast given out has turned out wrong in terms of the timing. I know,
| me, several people had heard it was going to set in for the day once it
| started but there seems to have been an unexpected 8 hour dry interlude. I
| would have played cricket in this as time is running out for me! Anyway,
| looks like my garden will finally get watered tonight...
You have my sympathies...
After 30+ years of umpiring for my club (Cadnam C.C.), I decided (at the age
of 49) to take up the game and have a few seasons while I was still young
enough to play.
I have been selected for 6 "friendly" matches so far, played 3, just one
bat. With nearly half the season gone, I have the bizarre record of having
taken more catches for my club than runs scored! Even the practice evenings
are being rained off now, so I cannot even work on improving my game.
Who needs to water the garden round here? We have already had over 100 mm
this month, as we did last month, and so far this year we have already had
nearly 70% of the expected *annual* rainfall for this part of the world,
with supposedly the wettest part of the year still to come and after one
month (April) with only 1mm recorded. The only "ducks" to be seen at our
cricket ground at the moment have feathers and webbed feet.
If it is going to carry on like this, I shall be tempted to use "e-bay" to
recover some of the money I have spent on cricket kit, then take up bowls...
- Yokel -
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Yokel @ Ashurst New Forest
SU 336 107 17m a.s.l.
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