The wettest June on record, BBC
"Brian Blair" wrote:
Headline news on the BBC 1 10 o'clock last night. "Its official it has
been the wettest June on record. " -
This has been widely reported in the press (no surprise) but I have not
heard any regional qualification. It wasn't up here or in many parts of
Scotland I would expect..
Worse, they have drawn a line at 1914, and now pretend that all
records taken before that simply do not exist. There may be good
reasons for this, although it is unlikely that they are relevant to
information provided to the media. However, the decision is not
(and has never to my knowledge been) explained.
By so doing they have -- probably unconsciously, though I could
easily be persuaded otherwise -- made my job (as first port of
call for many journalists on weather stories) much more difficult than
it ought to be.