"Alan Murphy" wrote in message
"Bonos Ego" wrote in message
What is causing the Jet Stream to take such a Southerly track at the
moment, and are there any signs of it moving further North?
http://expert.weatheronline.co.uk/cg...f3f5470 60fe8
The southerly Jet Stream has just got a mention on
BBC 1 News weather forecast. In the US it's
mentioned all the time and seemed to be an accurate
predictor of the general weather. If it came South,
Washington DC used to get Canadian weather, cool
and dry. When it moved North we used to get Mexican
weather, hot and humid. I often wonder why it's not
used here more often. It seems to have predicted the
current spell of cool weather pretty accurately.
I've noticed that whenever I've been to the States, their weather forecasts
often seem to be a lot more informative than the usual stuff that we're fed
with over here, such as it's going to be windy, wet and warm. Presumably the
powers that be must think that the great British public aren't intelligent
enough to be able to take in any more than basic wind speed, rainfall and
temperature figures.