On Jul 5, 11:28 pm, Richard Dixon wrote:
"Ian Currie" wrote o.uk:
I present Weather Watch for BBC Southern Counties Radio in west and
east Sussex each morning and my piece this morning did in fact point
out that in our part of the world it was not record breaking. I cited
readings from the area and illustrated that there have been wetter
Junes down here. I did explain though how wet some places have been
recently such as Sheffield compared to the Southeast.
At my own Surrey weather station 1998,1991 1987,1985 and 1980 were all
much wetter.
Incidentally Friday's Weather Watch will look at the great July 1797
superior mirage along parts of the Sussex coast when French boats and
harbours were seen high in the sky above Sussex beaches. On Monday I
explain the nightmare for brontophobics 9th/10th July 1923 when there
were over 6950 crashes of thunder in London overnight. The cells
responsible emanated from Sussex and moved north. Rottingdean had
116mm of rain. If any UK sci members are in the Bedford area I am
talking about 500 years of Weather at Mark Rutherford School tomorrow
Ian Currie- editor of Weather eye magazine (which the latest issue
number 24 has been held up due to too much weather literally) and
Weather Watch Presenter for the BBC.
Sorry to sound rude Ian - but as I've asked before - does uk.sci.weather
really have to act as a vessel for thinly-veiled self-promotion?
Sorry but in my humble opinion I think the above just looks very smug. I
hope you're not developing a TV Star ego.
Richard- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Up here in Ferryhill it hasn't been a record breaking June either.
Nothing like. You need only go back to 2000 to find a wetter one
(marginally). We had exactly 80mm here in the month just gone, which
was 146% of the mean for 1971-2000.
I've wondered for a while about this 1914 date too. It seems that the
Britsh Rainfall Record has just been discounted and now we have a much
more recent cut off where records seem to be broken more often because
they've artificially just completely ignored all the many worse months
that have gone before it. As far as I can see, June 2007 was only a
record breaker in a very few areas of the country, those that were
unlucky enough to suffer the deluges of last week.
I think this 1914 date needs to be investigated and questioned,
because it is giving the false impression that recent weather is
breaking more records than it actually is. There have been 22 wetter
Junes than 2007 here in Durham (10 of them before 1914) in a record
back to 1852. By far the wettest being 1980 when 191mm fell, and June
1997 when 174mm dumped itself on Durham.
In recent years the Junes of 1980, 1982, 1987, 1997, 1998 and 2000
have all been wetter than 2007.
Dave O'Hara
Ferryhill, Co. Durham