Jet Stream too far South
"Paul Hyett" wrote in message
In on Fri, 6 Jul 2007, Adam Lea
wrote :
Which is strange, when America is supposed to be the home of dumbing
down. If the US TV networks believe that their viewers can cope, why
does the BBC think differently?
There isn't the time to go into much detail in the two minutes or so that
the weather forecast is slotted into.
It only takes a few seconds to show an Atlantic pressure chart...
Paul Hyett, Cheltenham (change 'invalid83261' to 'blueyonder' to email me)
If you have digital satellite, have a look at some of the BBC regional
forecasts at around 1845-1855. Some of these presenters are seemingly
allowed to be less patronising than the national ones and often show
synoptic runs and offer more explanation. Sky news is good but only when
Francis Wilson or Isobel Lang are on duty do we get anything authoritative.