[OBS] Romsey -Monday 9th July 2007
Thunder to NW at 1347Z:
SYNOP 09/1350Z
03/// 41558 52804 10180 20106 40140 55000 71782
83963 333 83922=
EG// 091350Z 28004KT 8000 TS SCT022CB 18/11
Q//// WHT=
wind... W by N, force 2.
visibility... 8km.
weather... thunderstorm (no rain and sun shining).
clouds... 3/8 CB base 2200ft, CU, AC, CI.
dry bulb... +18.0C.
dewpoint... +10.6C.
RH... 62%.
sea level pressure... 1014.0mb (falling, now rising).
rainfall last hour... 0.1mm.
rainfall since 0900Z... 0.2mm.
beaufort letters (1250-1350Z)... cjp,cpro,bctlo.
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire)