[OBS] Chalfont St Giles - Wed 11th Jul 2007
Chalfont St Giles - Wednesday 11th July 2007
0530z W F2-3 30+km 8Sc035 13.6/09.8 1013
1000z WNW F3 20km -RA 2St008 3Sc025 8Sc035 13.5/10.3 1014
RMK: Only a few spits of rain. A rather dull morning.
24-HR STATISTICS: Max (0900-0900z): 19.3 at 1745z
Min (0900-0900z): 12.8 at 0345z
Grass min (1800-0900z): 10.3
Rain (0900-0900z): Nil
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Norman Lynagh Weather Consultancy
Chalfont St Giles 85m a.s.l.