"Will Hand" wrote in message
Fog and outbreaks light rain all day
That's it 40 days of wet now :-)
That reminds me of the old joke about the fellah who joins a monastery. As
he is being shown around he is made aware of the advantages of abstinence
and can't help but notice how vital and fit all the monks look. He then sees
a shrivelled and almost withered to point of death, monk sitting hunched up
in wheelchair in the corner of the refectory.
Puzzled he raised the courage to ask the Abbot
"How comes everyone looks so fit and healthy when maintaining a discipline
of abstinence and yet that monk looks half-dead?"
The Abbott replied.
"Yes my son that is the tragic brother Andy who had adhered strictly to our
code of abstinence, unfortunately he had a wet-dream on St Swithins day"