Last evening there was a continual rumble of thunder coming from the
North Pennine area, about 10miles to my east/south east. This morning
on my way to work I came across the aftermath, a typical localised
flash flood. Nearby raingauge at Lambley recorded 44mm in under 2 hrs,
I suspect nearer the centre it will have been higher.
The area is along the A689 between Brampton and Alston, just across
the Northumbrian border in small hamlets called Knarsdale and Lambley
Ref NY675 545.
I doubt it will make the news anywhere but I thought I would make a
note of the event on here. Hopefully somefrom the Met Office may come
across it and make some site investigations, the damage is very
localised but extreme and once in a life time event I would imagine
At my location just a few miles away I only recorded 0.2mm of rain !
Some photos can be found here
Paul Crabtree