"Bandwagons were us" or "Gwapple me gwapenuts"
"Lawrence" wrote in message
"Victor West" wrote in message
"lawrence jenkins" wrote in message
OT but I can't resist it. That well known and loved environmentalist
Bellamy has come out and ....wait for it.... .......attacked what he
"the great global warming scam".
I saw that Lawrence. Wasn't sure whether Bellany is showing early signs of
dementia or he needed the publicity (a book coming out?) !! :-)))
At first I thought it was a spoof, but it appears to be genuine. Whether
liberties have been taken with context I can't say. The rest about Blair
though is 100% true co's I said so.
Philip Eden has already told us that Bellamy is a member of the UK
Independence Party, but since politics is banned on this newsgroup
I can say no more :-(
Blair announce at Prime Minister's questions last Wednesday that
when he was holding the Chairmanship of both the EU and of the
Club of Nine (or whatever) he would be concentrating on the twin
problems of Africa and Global Warming.
I thought, Lawrence, you would be relieved to hear that :-)
Cheers, Alastair.