[OBS] Romsey - Friday 20th July 2007
After a brief pause in the moderate to heavy rain
overnight, the rain has recommenced in the last
hour. The rain bearing cloud is easily discernible
above the low ragged stratus. Current situation:
SYNOP 20/0850Z
03/// 41235 83403 10145 20138 40120 57010
76266 8372/ 333 83703 88556=
EG// 200850Z 34003KT 3500 RA SCT003
OVC060 15/14 Q//// YLO2=
wind... NNW, force 1.
visibility... 3500m.
weather... moderate rain, intermittent... and mist.
clouds... 3/8 ST base 300ft, 8/8 NS base 6000ft.
dry bulb... +14.5C.
dewpoint... +13.8C.
RH... 96%.
sea level pressure... 1012.0mb (falling slowly).
rainfall last hour... 1.0mm.
rainfall (2100-0900Z)... 18.7mm.
rainfall (0900-0900Z)... 20.3mm.
beaufort letters (0750-0850Z)... cm,crom,crm.
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire)